I am excited to be able to connect with you about areas of belief and faith as they are the most important areas of life to explore and discover.  It is likely that you are here because we met on a project, or in the normal routine of life.

I believe that God desires for each person to discover the truth about Him and would like the chance to explore those ideas with you a little bit further.

In my own Journey towards faith in God, I did not believe in God when I started, I was exposed to church a bit, but found it just a rote list of things and routines that we were supposed to do and found it…..empty.   That did not mean that is what Christianity was, it was only my experience so far, I decided I would investigate further and try to discover for myself if there was some truth about God that could be known, or if I would have to go through my whole life, just wondering.

In this online format, some of this may connect with you, but you may find that the concerns and questions you have are different than the ones that I have addressed here.  If I can help you, please feel free to reach out to connect with me in these areas.